Guns at games: The latest promotion from the Washington State Legislature

The wild west may have ended in the 1800’s, but a bill in the Washington stats legislature might bring back the unrest at stadiums around the evergreen state.

The bill, introduced by a trio of Republicans, would allow patrons to carry concealed carry permitted guns into arenas and stadiums around the state.  The rule would apply to publicly ran facilities, and private facilities ran by public authorities.

Additionally, there is a section in the bill which would prevent local institutions from finding a loophole or ordinance around the open invitation to cause mayhem.

“A local governmental entity may not, whether by law, ordinance, regulation, rule, policy, or contractual agreement, prohibit persons with a valid concealed pistol license from carrying a concealed pistol in any stadium, convention center, arena, or similar facility, or on the grounds of any such facility.”

We aren’t Politico or anything, but am I the only one that thinks this is a bad idea? Shoot off your thoughts in the comments below.

-Dylan Rossiter(@ByDylanRossiter)